During this webinar, Solent’s nutrition team discuss the link between nutrition and health, specifically looking at plant-based diets and the definitions and types you may have come across. As well as this, the team talk about the benefits of following a plant-based diet from the health and environment perspectives and provide some top tips.
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نظام غذائي يتبعه كثير من الناس للحفاظ علي صحتهم و وزنهم للوقاية من امراض العصر مثل السرطان و امراض القلب و البول السكري و ارتفاع ضغط الدم ، حيث يعتمد علي النباتات في تناول كل ما يحتاجه الجسم من عناصر غذائية.

A whole diet that solely relies on plant based foods only. This diet helps people overcome overweight issues, and prevent many other diseases caused by unhealthy diets like diabetes, HBP, and heart diseases.

Yehia Nabil, a business man, is a nutrition enthusiast, passionate about helping others improve their food diets and routines, therefor health statuses.
Nabil co-founded the PBD (Plant Based Diet) group in Egypt, helping over 22,000 Egyptians improve their diet, and lives.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx