Archive for the tag: Trying

The BIGGEST MISTAKES People Make When Trying To LOSE WEIGHT! | Dr. Jason Fung

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Which diet are you following? Are you doing the carnivore diet? Vegan? Keto? The choices and variations of every diet plan available is nearly endless. At the heart of the matter, diet consciousness is a question of overall health and better managing and preventing diseases and conditions that hinder your performance and destroy your ability to live a happy and healthy life. In this episode, nephrologist and intermittent fasting expert, Dr. Jason Fung, exposes the overarching importance of understanding your body’s hormonal response to insulin activated by what you eat and the frequency with which you eat. He also breaks down the three major paradigms for cancer, and ranks the danger of a poor diet as high as cigarette smoke in terms of high risk contributors of cancer. Dr. Fung is also the author of the #1 best seller, The Obesity Code.

Order Dr. Jason Fung’s Book, “The Cancer Code”:


Weight Loss | Dr. Fung on why weight loss is critical and counting calories doesn’t work [1:23]
Calories | Dr. Fung reveals how hormones impact your body’s response to less calories [3:31]
Carbohydrates | Dr. Fung on how carbs stimulate insulin and signal the body to store fat [6:59]
Protein vs. Carbs | The hormonal response of these nutrients on satiety & effect on insulin [9:50]
Processed Carbs | Dr. Fung explains the danger behind processed carbs & hormones [13:03]
Insulin | Dr. Fung explains getting fat on calorie restriction when insulin is high [15:49]
Low Insulin Diet | Dr Fung on losing weight by lower insulin and cycle feeding & fasting [23:32]
Fasting | Dr. Fung introduces options to get through fast with salt, magnesium or broths [26:32]
Cancer | Dr. Fung breaks down 3 paradigm shifts in cancer research & treatments [28:50]
Growth Paradigm | How the overgrowth of cells have been treated by cut, burn or poison [29:41]
Genetic Paradigm | Understanding genetic mutations and the complication curing cancer [30:36]
Evolutionary Paradigm | The primitive mutation of cancer treated with immunotherapy [34:00]
Seed in Soil | Preventing cancer “seeds” to grow, understanding chronic stressors [42:30]


“So it’s simply false to say, if you cut 500 calories a day down, you will lose a pound of body fat a week, it’s actually not true in any way, shape, or form.” [5:31]

“when you’re thinking about weight gain, weight loss, you really have to think about hormones, because it’s really a hormonal imbalance, not a caloric imbalance” [12:04]

“when insulin is going down you’re going to burn body fat, […] you can’t burn body fat if insulin is high.” [21:05]

“…we’re not trying to kill cells with immunotherapy, we’re not trying to fix genetic mutations. What we’re trying to do is treat these cancers like a foreign species, like an invasive foreign species…” [40:03]

“diet actually plays a massive role, and by understanding it, perhaps you can reduce your risk of cancer.” [47:45]

Follow Dr. Jason Fung:

Alissa, our go-to health expert, explains her trifecta for losing weight which is, cardio, weightlifting, and nutrition. Incorporating these three things into your life will help you lose weight. If you are focused on gaining muscle it actually helps burn fat while you are resting.

Did you know that for every one pound you lose, three pounds of pressure is taken off your knees?

Living healthy is great, living healthier together is better. As a health services company, we’re committed to helping you live your healthiest life and make smarter health choices. Join the Healthier Together Facebook Group to connect with others and get more great content from our health coaches.
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Stop Trying To Lose Weight After 50

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If you’re “trying to lose weight,” I have three shifts for you that will make the task infinitely easier. Losing weight can be incredibly difficult, especially for women over a certain age, but it doesn’t have to be. With these small shifts, you can lose weight and feel amazing – no matter what age!

If you’d like to learn even more shifts to help you lose weight, regain vitality and look amazing, check out my free masterclass! In it, I share five more shifts to help you reach your goals! Click here to learn more:

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