Archive for the tag: Impact

New Study Shows The Impact of Diet on Prostate Cancer | Mark Scholz, MD | PCRI

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The 2022 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference is Sept 10-11, 2022! RSVP Today!

To view the study visit: “A Healthy Lifestyle in Men at Increased Genetic Risk for Prostate Cancer”:

We at the Prostate Cancer Research Institute receive questions on a regular basis about diet, lifestyle, and prostate cancer (and if you would ever like to ask us a question about that or anything related to prostate cancer, contact our helpline at Unfortunately, diet and lifestyle questions are notoriously difficult to investigate in a truly scientific manner and insights on these topics are few and far between. Recently, though, a prospective study was published looking at the diet and lifestyle of 12,000 men with prostate cancer over 20 years. They found an equal incidence of prostate cancer in men with healthy and unhealthy lifestyles; however, they also found that there was a lower mortality rate from prostate cancer in men with healthier lifestyles.

To view the study visit: “A Healthy Lifestyle in Men at Increased Genetic Risk for Prostate Cancer”:

0:09 I have heard that there was a recent study published looking at diet and lifestyle of 12,000 prostate cancer patients over 20 years. Is there anything that we can learn from this study?

4:17 Why is animal protein bad for prostate cancer?

5:00 Do eggs count as animal protein when thinking about animal protein’s relation to increased prostate cancer risks?

5:27 Can a specific diet cause PSA to decline?

6:25 Do you have specific diets that you tend to recommend to your patients?

7:25 Is it fair to say that these stringent diet and lifestyle recommendations would be most appropriate for men with more dangerous prostate cancers and that men with low-grade, Gleason 6, prostate cancers do not

8:51 Considering the significance of a person’s weight in their general health, can you tell us more about the medication “Wegovy,” a weight loss medication, that you mentioned in our recent webinar?

9:53 Should all prostate cancer patients be lifting weights?

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To learn more about prostate cancer visit

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Who we are:

The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to helping you research your treatment options. We understand that you have many questions, and we can help you find the answers that are specific to your case. All of our resources are designed by a multidisciplinary team of advocates and expert physicians, for patients. We believe that by educating yourself about the disease, you will have more productive interactions with your medical professionals and receive better individualized care. Feel free to explore our website or call our free helpline at 1 (800) 641-7274 with any questions that you have. Our Federal Tax ID # is 95-4617875 and qualifies for maximum charitable gift deductions by individual donors.

The information on the Prostate Cancer Research Institute’s YouTube channel is provided with the understanding that the Institute is not engaged in rendering medical advice or recommendation. The information provided in these videos should not replace consultations with qualified health care professionals to meet your individual medical needs.

#ProstateCancer #MarkScholzMD #PCRI
Video Rating: / 5

What’s gone wrong with the American diet, and how can we make it right?

In this groundbreaking talk, Andrew Weil, M.D. illuminates the worst trends in American nutrition, and the toll they are taking on our health. The solution? His Anti-Inflammatory Diet, a way of selecting and preparing real food based on scientific knowledge of how it can help your body maintain optimum health. Along with lowering inflammation, this diet will provide steady energy and ample vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids dietary fiber, and protective phytonutrients.

Learn more about the Anti-Inflammatory Diet:
Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet Guidelines:
Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid:
Top 4 Anti-Inflammatory Foods:
Cooking With Whole Grains:

Video provided by Conference Recording Service:
Video Rating: / 5

20 Min INTENSE Standing Lower Belly Fat Workout | Low Impact | growwithjo

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Download my app *7 days free* to optimize fat loss and help you stay accountable on your weight loss journey – MEAL PLAN INCLUDED:

Big Booty Tight Tummy Program – use code YOUTUBE for 30% OFF – [50 code uses left]

The truth of the matter is that I actually loathe crunches where I’m laying down on the ground- and I think that’s totally normal and okay! You can do other standing exercises that activate the same muscles and give you that same ‘burn’.

Now this workout works the muscles below the fat that is sitting on your lower belly. It will help tighten things up, but in order to see steady weight loss you need to combine daily movement (like this workout), proper sleep, and proper nutrition. Then your body will be in an optimal state for fat loss.

This workout is shorter but hunny, i was dripping by the end of it! It will creep up on you and make you amazed that you were able to make it work!

Remember that exercise is only part of the journey. If your goal is to see a physical change, you will also have to take into consideration the amount and quality of the food that you are eating!
Not knowing where to start can really suck, so I’ve made it easy for you to figure our your own specific needs with my simple growwithjo personalized calorie calculator; you can find it here: This tool will help you know exactly how many calories you should be consuming daily to reach your personal goal! Its really as simple as that!

Calories Burned: 210
Apple Watch Setting: Indoor Walk
Intensity Level: 8/10

0:00 How to Lose Lower Belly Fat
3:34 Standing Low Impact Lower Belly Fat Workout
24:25 Encouragement & Accountability





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To get the BEST (AND QUICKER) RESULTS, follow a nutrition plan that supports your goals. Get a customized nutrition plan in my app.

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All information provided by growwithjo is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold growwithjo harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.

watch growwithjo beginner workouts abs workout walking all standing low impact fun fitness videos for free
Video Rating: / 5

If you want to effectively burn belly fat, here’s an effective aerobic workout you can do at home. This kind of exercise is perfect for those who are having a hard time working out like beginners or plus-sized people who also want to start a healthy lifestyle and achieve a nice physique.

Today’s video workout can easily be done at home. It focuses on your core while also moving the rest of your body and burning tons of body fat as you go along.

Do this workout everyday if you wish to burn as much stomach fat as you can in the shortest amount of time. On a normal basis, you’ll be able to see results in 3-4 weeks of regular exercise. So keep going and stay disciplined to see results!❤️💪

**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Sunday to Friday!


00:00 Body Rotations
00:47 Torso Rotation
01:54 Jumping Jacks
02:35 Rest
02:57 High Knee Chops Right
03:35 High Knee Chops Left
04:14 Rest
04:41 Ski Jacks
05:32 Rest
05:59 Slow Burpees
07:06 Rest
07:43 Slow Mountain Climber
08:36 Rest
09:18 Walk Downs
11:04 Rest
11:46 Body Extensions
12:12 Rest
12:54 Leg Kicks
13:42 Rest
14:19 Step Jacks
15:18 Rest
15:50 Skater Jumps
16:26 Rest
17:27 Body Rotations
18:15 Torso Rotation
19:22 Jumping Jacks
20:03 Rest
20:25 High Knee Chops Right
21:03 High Knee Chops Left
21:43 Rest
22:10 Ski Jacks
23:00 Rest
23:27 Slow Burpees
24:35 Rest
25:12 Slow Mountain Climber
26:04 Rest
26:46 Walk Downs
28:32 Rest
29:14 Body Extensions
29:40 Rest
30:23 Leg Kicks
31:10 Rest
31:47 Step Jacks
32:46 Rest
33:18 Skater Jumps
Video Rating: / 5

Fat burning Beginner LOW IMPACT home cardio workout – all standing!

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For more workouts just like this one, come and join the team.

How Does Exercise Impact Weight Loss?

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Developed and produced by
Animation description: In this animation, we discuss the concept of physical activity and exercise as they relate to obesity.
In humans there is a fine balance between energy intake and energy expenditure.
Energy intake is in the form of food, and energy expenditure is in the form of the basal metabolic rate and physical activity.
The difference between energy intake and energy expenditure is the net energy balance. If intake exceeds expenditure, then a net positive energy balance occurs.
Energy expenditure depends on a number of factors.
This includes the starting body weight, the basal metabolic rate and physical activity.
With regards to physical activity, there are several key variables including the frequency, intensity, duration and type of activity done.
Let us now examine energy consumption. One honey glazed donut is shown which has approximately 300 kilocalories.
The energy intake from the consumed donut is equal to the energy consumed by moderate walking for 30-60 minutes, at 3.0 miles per hour.
If an individual walks for an hour at 3 miles per hour.
They will expend approximately 300 kilocalories, the same as what was contained in the consumed donut.
If an individual walks daily for one hour at approximately 3 miles per hour. This type of activity would lead to weight loss. This assumes that the individual does not consume any extra calories and has a net negative energy expenditure.
If this activity continues for a period of two to four months, body weight is reduced as depicted.
The initial weight loss is the result of a negative net energy balance.
The negative energy balance is because energy expenditure exceeds energy intake.
After the initial weight loss, the individual continues to do the same type of exercise, that is, 1 hour of moderate walking daily.
The chart depicts changes in body weight over time.
Individuals are surprised and frustrated that his weight is not continuing to decrease despite regular walking.
They have reached a plateau.
The reason behind the weight loss pleateau is that with decreased body weight, the basal metabolic rate also decreases.
When the basal metabolic rate decreases, there is a decrease in total energy expenditure.
If the discouraged individual quits his daily walking exercise. The weight is gained again, at a quicker pace.
The weight is re-gained as a result of a positive energy balance being created.
Energy expenditure is now less since the physical activity has been stopped.
By keeping the same intensity and duration of walking without making any changes in the diet (energy intake) the man would enter a weight maintenance phase.
This is characterised by gaining a small amount of weight.
The weight maintenance is the result of an energy balance being established within the body, where energy intake essentially equals energy expenditure.
If there is no change in energy balance, there will not be any further change in weight.
What must be done to end the weight loss plateau?
Several options exist to maintain a negative net energy balance. These involve either decreasing energy intake or increasing energy expenditure.
Options include: restricting calories further or increasing the frequency, or the intensity or the duration of the exercise.
In summary then, weight loss plateau’s are expected and can only end with continued exercise and a net negative energy balance.
Stopping exercise or increasing calories will lead to weight gain.
If one continues to exercise to maintain a net negative energy balance weight loss will be promoted.
Video Rating: / 5