Archive for the tag: Belly

How to Lose Belly Fat, Love Handles, & Chest Fat FAST! (9 steps)

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In this video I’ll be sharing a simple 9-Step Process to INCINERATE your stubborn Belly Fat, Love Handles, and Chest Fat FAST! We’ll be covering the exercises/ workout, the diet and what to AVOID if you really want to lose fat in these areas forever!

#HowToLoseBellyFat #HowToLoseLoveHandles #HowToLoseChestFat

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Video Rating: / 5

How to Lose “Stubborn” Belly Fat (GONE IN 4 STEPS!)

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If you want to see how to lose stubborn belly fat and get rid of it once and for all, then this is a video that you don’t want to miss. Here I’m going to ask you 4 tough but important questions that you will need to answer honestly. When you do however, I can promise you that you will lose your belly fat for good and never have to worry about it coming back again.

Losing fat is one of the easiest and hardest things to do when it comes to getting in shape. This is because science makes it very clear what the process is. The issue however is that sticking to what science says we should do can become challenging and fat loss can stall pretty quickly. That said, the first thing we all must do is look in the mirror. No, not to look at the areas where you are storing your stubborn fat like on your belly, hips or love handles.

Instead, you need to look in the mirror to face the tough assessment that is often times needed to get over the hump. You first must be willing to address the “how to lose stubborn belly fat” question. Is it really stubborn? Meaning, are you carrying just too much fat around your waist because your overall body fat levels are high or are we talking about the last few percentage points of fat levels that stick around despite your best and most consistent efforts.

If it’s the former, then increasing the consistency with which you do the right thing will quickly get you to the next level of fat loss. If however you believe you are doing everything you can but still can’t seem to get to the lean ripped level you want to be, then the additional questions will help to dig into the “why”.

We start with drinking. I understand that the desire to drink is driven far more by social benefits than it is by simply trying to quench your thirst. For this reason, it is often something that many people are unwilling to forgo. I can tell you this however. With the rapid pace that one is able to consume and pile up liquid calories along with the metabolic impact that alcohol has on your ability to burn fat, drinking is always going to make it more difficult to get ripped and lean and to lose body fat than not drinking.

That said, you have to ask yourself how important it is for you to have a six pack. If that doesn’t mean as much to you as partaking in certain social activities then you will have to find the balance that makes you most happy. This is going to be individual for everyone and nobody should place their expectations on you, me included.

Next we have to discuss your nutrition. No pursuit of fat loss can occur without a frank discussion about what you are consuming every day. In order to lose fat you have to be in a calorie deficit, period. How you get there however, is very important. If you use crash diets and carbohydrate exclusion methods, you are likely never going to see the long term success you should in trying to lose fat and will be unhappy when you put back on any weight lost.

If you are in a deficit but still have to lose belly fat, then you have to assess three other areas discussed in this video. The first is the cleanliness of your diet. How healthy are you really eating? Often times, this is not as good as you may think it is. If however you insist that it is good but you have more fat to lose then you next must evaluate your portion sizes. If this is good still, then you have nothing left but to be honest about your consistency. Here is where an assessment of your cheat meal frequency comes in.

From here, your training must be evaluated. You must train. Diet alone is never going to be enough when it comes to losing belly fat forever. A training plan that consists of more than just cardio is necessary if you want to build lean muscle tissue capable of helping to increase your metabolism and get you burning more calories more easily. Here is where 3-5 time per week weight training with an inclusion of barbell complexes is ideal.

Finally, ab training is something you will want to do as well. Not because there are any spot reduction benefits of this but because when these muscles are developed you get a visual impact that often helps to motivate you to keep doing more of the other things mentioned earlier.

If you are looking for a step by step workout and meal plan that will get rid of belly fat, get you more ripped than ever and help you to build athletic muscle, be sure to visit at the link below and check out any one of the ATHLEAN-X programs that best matches your current goals.

If you are looking for more videos on how to burn fat as well as ab workout videos to lose belly fat, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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Video Rating: / 5

10 Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise

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Belly fat is something no one really wants to have. And if you stand with us, who have something, we have great news. These 10 home remedies will help you get a flat belly without exercise or diet!

All these remedies will also work as an addition to your workout plan, so we don’t encourage you to leave the gym forever, but showing you what you can work even without it. Finally, a very important thing to remember is that there is one thing, which can ruin it all, so you should avoid it. That is not eating hamburgers every day (even though it’s bad, too). That is stress.
When you worry a lot about being too fat, or not seeing any effect of your new diet plan, your body produces stress hormones. They affect your digestive system and bam; it leads to bloating. A stressed body also produces cortisol, which adds a fatty layer to your belly. So, sleep at least seven hours every day, don’t use smoking as a stress reliever and do the things you enjoy. You will love the results!

Drink “flat tummy” lemon water 0:49
Choose cranberry juice over soda 1:54
Add chia seeds to your diet 2:45
Spice up your diet with ginger tea 3:38
Sip green tea to lose belly fat 4:34
Experiment with dandelion tea 5:03
Don’t underestimate the power of cayenne peppers 6:08
Add coconut oil to your diet 6:43
Use cinnamon 7:23
Use garlic to lose belly fat 7:53

– Lemon juice and pulp are rich in vitamin C, pectin fiber, and citric acid. Vitamin C sounds like the most familiar thing on the list, but the other two things are good for you, as well. Lemon can help you speed up the fat burning process and lose weight faster.
– Cranberry juice tastes just as good, if not better, and is a much healthier choice. It is a good source of vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and organic acid, which is a digestive enzyme. If you buy it from a store, you will notice many brands of cranberry juice contain sugar.
– Chia seeds are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, protein, and Omega-3 fatty acids. All this makes them a great ally at losing weight. If you don’t use chia seeds in your meals, it is a good time to start doing so.
– Ginger burns fat, makes you feel full and brings down your appetite because it regulates blood sugar.
– Green tea is much more than just hot water with a flavor; it is a powerful detoxifier. Perhaps you didn’t know that it has caffeine in it. Yes, just like coffee. Caffeine is known for its fat burning powers when it is consumed in reasonable amounts.
– Dandelion tea is becoming a more and more popular drink these days, because people find out about its medicinal properties, and they want it. You can use either the leaves or the roots of dandelion to make healthy tea. Infused dandelion leaves help to improve the digestive process and contribute to weight loss.
– Have you ever noticed what effect eating a spicy pepper has on you? Yes, it is hard to ignore. Your body temperature rises, and it goes into cooldown mode. As a result, it burns calories faster.
– Coconut oil smells like heaven and is a superhero when it comes to fat burning. It has a unique combination of fatty acids in it, which is great for your metabolism. Coconut oil in your diet helps you lose abdominal fat.
– Cinnamon has its own ways of helping you lose fat. It is great at controlling blood sugar levels in your body. It also speeds up your metabolism and helps your body use carbohydrates, which would otherwise turn into excess fat. So have it every day when you can.
– We made to the top of our list. Meet garlic. Okay, you have most likely met it before, but you might know it is a miracle food when it comes to burning fat. It suppresses appetite and sends “full” signals to your brain. It increases metabolism by stimulating your nervous system to release the hormone of adrenaline.

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Video Rating: / 5

Lose Weight and Lose Belly Fat | 14-Day Weight Loss Challenge – DAY 14

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Lose weight and lose belly fat with this weight loss challenge.
This video program is to help jump-start your body to lose weight and lose belly fat. Lose weight quickly by following the 14 day exercise plan.
Over the next two weeks you will do 14 daily videos that contain body weight exercises programmed and sequenced for you to lose weight.
There is NO EQUIPMENT needed throughout the entire program and all exercises are APARTMENT FRIENDLY!
Each weight loss workout is 20 minutes and contains 8 different exercises.

Day 1 –
Day 2 –
Day 3 –
Day 4 –
Day 5 –
Day 6 –
Day 7 –
Day 8 –
Day 9 –
Day 10 –
Day 11 –
Day 12 –
Day 13 –
5 minute Abs Finisher –

First and foremost there are several different types of body fat. The two main fats discussed are
1 – Subcutaneous Fat which sits under your skin.
2 – Visceral Fat which is the belly fat predominantly stored around your organs.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat and interferes with our hormone production as well as increases our risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancers. However, it is not all doom and gloom!
visceral fat (belly fat) responds very well to regular exercise, a diet high in whole grains and lean proteins. It also responds very well to undisturbed sleep.
For more information on how to lose weight and lose belly fat follow this daily program as I will be sharing tips at the beginning of each video.

For BEST RESULTS pair this program with a healthy eating plan or use our Meal Plans and Lean Body – Home Edition Calendar available from our website:
If you want to do a separate warm up please use our warm up playlist:…

For cool down stretches please use this playlist:…
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NOTE: If you want more programs like this hit SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this workout program with someone!

MrandMrsMuscle strongly recommends that you consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
You should be in good physical and mental condition and be able to participate in the exercises.
You should be aware and understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge MrandMrsMuscle from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of MrandMrsMuscle’s negligence.

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Subscribe to the channel for more videos with exercises to lose belly fat for men:

Exercises To Lose Belly Fat After 50 – Hey guys, in this video tutorial for how to lose belly fat, I am going to give you three great exercises to lose belly fat after 50. Make sure to stick around for the last time because that tip is going to speed up the process to get rid of belly fat. So, let’s get started in this video tutorial with exercises to lose belly fat for men over 50.

The first exercise to lose belly fat for men is simple, it is sprinting. Sprinting is great for our hormones, and increases our testosterone. That means that your body is going to use fat for energy. The great thing about sprinting is that your body doesn’t stop burning calories and fat once you stop running. Your body after sprinting or anabolic running continues to burn fat and calories for hours after you are done running. Steady cardio will not give you that afterburn effect that sprinting or anabolic cardio will give you, which is why this is a great exercise for belly fat. Sprint in place as hard as you can for 20-30 seconds, rest for a minute, then do it again 3 more times. So, that is the first exercise to lose belly fat for men.

The second lose belly fat exercise is mountain climbers. Mountain climbers are a great cardio, but they also engage your core and really work your midsection. Mountain climbers also trigger that afterburn effect, which is huge for how to lose belly fat. These are great get rid of belly fat exercises, so make sure to do this in your weekly workouts. Doing high intensity interval training is fantastic for building muscle, burning fat, and it improves your cardiovascular system. I am going to show you two different ways to do the mountain climbers. The first method is just the normal mountain climber, where you bring your need up to your arm, and alternate. The leg you are bringing up to your arm, do not let that foot touch the ground. Another way to do this exercise that is a little easier, this the same exact thing. Only this time, when you bring your leg up, have your foot on the ground at the top of the movement instead of keeping it in the air. That is the second exercise to lose belly fat for men. Let’s go to the last and most important lose belly fat exercise.

The third and most important exercise for belly fat in this video tutorial with exercises to lose belly fat after 50 is called bicycle cross crunches. This is one of my favorite go to exercises to work the abs and core. This exercise really does work all the muscles in our core, which is helpful and one of the best get rid of belly fat exercises. This exercise is also great because it doesn’t put a lot of stress on your neck or back. It is a great all around exercise that burns a lot of calories, and it is way better than planks because planks is a static exercise. So, I am going to get on the floor to show you how to do this great belly fat burning exercise for men. This exercise may feel awkward at first, but the more you do it, the more you will start to get used to it. Do not put your hands behind your head for this exercise, keep your fingers on the side of your head to make this one of the best exercises to lose belly fat for men. This is important because it will put less stress on your neck. For this exercise, you are going to bring your elbow to the opposite knee. Also, what’s great is you can do this exercise fast, or you can do it slow. Both have such a great impact and this is one of the best exercises to lose belly fat for men over 50. Now you know how to lose fat belly. You are going to feel the burn in your entire core when you do this amazing exercise for how to lose belly fat.

So, here is the bonus tip I have for you in this video tutorial on exercises to lose belly fat after 50. Are you ready to know the secret for how to lose belly fat? All of those exercises won’t help you, unless you are eating at a caloric deficit. That is the key to these get rid of belly fat exercises, eating at a caloric deficit is crucial. You need to eat at a caloric deficit on a daily basis, and that is the key for how to lose fat belly. A caloric deficit is making sure that you are burning more calories than you are putting into your body on a daily basis. Well guys, that was the secret I had for you in this tutorial with exercises to lose belly fat for men over 50.

Know anyone else who could use this Mark Mcilyar abs after 40 workout? Be sure to share these 3 best exercises to lose belly fat after 50:

That wraps up this video tutorial from Mark Mcilyar with great exercises and possibly the best belly fat burning exercise for men. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos with exercises to lose belly fat after 50:
Video Rating: / 5

Lose Weight and Lose Belly Fat | 14-day Weight Loss Challenge | Day 9

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Lose Weight and Lose Belly Fat | 14-day Weight Loss Challenge | Day 9

Lose weight and lose belly fat. This video program is to help jump-start your body to lose belly fat, lose weight and guide you with a 14 day exercise weight loss plan.
Over the next two weeks you will do 14 daily videos that contain body weight exercises programmed and sequenced for weight loss.
There is NO EQUIPMENT needed throughout the entire program and all exercises are APARTMENT FRIENDLY!
Each weight loss workout is 20 minutes and contains 8 different exercises.

Day 1 –
Day 2 –
Day 3 –
Day 4 –
Day 5 –
Day 6 –
Day 7 –
Day 8 –
5 minute Abs Finisher –

First and foremost there are several different types of body fat. The two main fats discussed are
1 – Subcutaneous Fat which sits under your skin.
2 – Visceral Fat which is the belly fat predominantly stored around your organs.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat and interferes with our hormone production as well as increases our risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancers. However, it is not all doom and gloom!
visceral fat (belly fat) responds very well to regular exercise, a diet high in whole grains and lean proteins. It also responds very well to undisturbed sleep.
For more information on how to lose belly fat follow this daily program as I will be sharing tips at the beginning of each video.

For BEST RESULTS pair this program with a healthy eating plan or use our Meal Plans and Lean Body – Home Edition Calendar available from our website:
If you want to do a separate warm up please use our warm up playlist:

For cool down stretches please use this playlist:

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NOTE: If you want more programs like this hit SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this workout program with someone!

MrandMrsMuscle strongly recommends that you consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
You should be in good physical and mental condition and be able to participate in the exercises.
You should be aware and understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge MrandMrsMuscle from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of MrandMrsMuscle’s negligence.

#loseweight #losebellyfat #weightloss

FASTEST way to lose BELLY FAT for Indians

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Iss video mein mai aapke saath 9 tips share karne Wala hu jo aapko aaj se apne quarantine lifestyle mien include karne chahiye. This video covers tips and lifestyle changes that you need to make, so that you can lose some of that belly fat FAST.
it’s the fastest way to lose belly fat for indians. Speaking from both research and experience!

Fat kam kaise karein? Aur belly fat kam kaise karein, jaise savaal mere paas bohot zyaada aate hai. The other fat loss videos that I’ve made are all detailed bodybuilding cutting tips. These are fat loss tips that I have used myself & I can guarantee you that they will make the whole weight loss process much easier for you. Want to know the fastest way to lose fat during quarantine? Hope you learn something new from this video: Quarantine में FAT कम करने का FASTEST तरीका 🙂
Yeh tips ek normal insaan ke liye hai jise fit dikhna hai aur khudke baarein mein achha mehsus karna hai. Aapke lifestyle mein yeh 9 changes karne se aap 1 hafte mein apna vajan kam KAR SAKTE HO.

#quarantine #fatloss #weightloss

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Video Rating: / 5

How to BANISH Menopausal BELLY FAT Forever!

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Wanna talk about getting rid of MENOPAUSAL BELLY FAT⌛ and keeping it off forever? If so, you’ve hit the information jackpot🎰 today!

In today’s short video, I’m sharing four practical tips for addressing this common issue. These are things you can start doing RIGHT NOW⏱️!

Plus, I’ve got a couple of truth bombs💣 about the habits you might have that are CAUSING your belly fat😮!

Pop in to this seven-minute video📹 now and find out how to make belly fat challenges a thing of the past – let’s GO!

Get FLAT ABS without crunches! ❌ Beginner-Friendly, Standing CORE STRENGTH

Everything You NEED TO KNOW about WEIGHT LOSS at 50 and Beyond:

How Doing CARDIO Made Me GAIN WEIGHT (story time!):

30 Minute STRESS RELIEF Stretching + Mobility Workout for Women over 50:

Have friends who deal with belly fat too? SHARE this video with them! 💛

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3 fat burning drink – weight loss recipes | fat burning tea | homemade drinks to lose belly fat

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full recipe:

3 fat burning drink recipe | fat burning tea | homemade drinks to lose belly fat with detailed photo and video recipe. an easy and simple hot beverage drink for a healthy and effective way to reduce body fat and eventually to reduce body weight. these homemade beverages are not only easy and quick to prepare but also a refreshing drink for day to day use. apart from reducing the tummy fat, it is also rich in antioxidants and hence these can also be served as detox drinks and also to improve the health of the liver.

3 fat burning drink recipe | fat burning tea | homemade drinks to lose belly fat with step by step photo and video recipe. indian recipes are loaded with myriad types of snacks, desserts and curries which make them appealing. yet they do come with the problems of extra calories and bad fat which would gradually accumulate in our body and thus increasing our weight. but these can also be tackled with some simple and easy homemade remedies and this post includes 3 basic homemade drinks to lose belly fat in quick time.



LOSE BELLY FAT IN 7 DAYS Challenge | Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week At Home | Cult Fit | CureFit

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This LOSE BELLY FAT IN 7 DAYS Challenge from CureFit is the perfect workout for you to burn those unwanted belly fat in just 7 days. Say yes to healthy living with CureFit!

Download the Cultfit app to access more such content –

0:00 Intro
1:08 1 – Jumping Jacks
2:14 2 – Mountain Climbers
3:31- 3 – Elbow Plank
4:47 4 – Flutter Kicks
5:56 5 – High Knees
7:01 6 – Russian Twists
8:23 7 – Leg Tuck Ins
9:35 Download app
10:04 8 – Bicycle Crunches
12:15 Subscribe and show some love

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Stay tuned to Cure Fit!

Day 7 – Lose Weight and Lose Belly Fat – 14 Day Program

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LOSE WEIGHT & LOSE BELLY FAT. This video program is to help jump-start your body to lose belly fat, lose weight and guide you with a 14 day exercise plan.
Over the next two weeks you will do 14 daily videos that contain body weight exercises programmed and sequenced for weight loss.
There is NO EQUIPMENT needed throughout the entire program and all exercises are APARTMENT FRIENDLY!
Each weight loss workout is 20 minutes and contains 8 different exercises.

First and foremost there are several different types of body fat. The two main fats discussed are
1 – Subcutaneous Fat which sits under your skin.
2 – Visceral Fat which is the belly fat predominantly stored around your organs.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of body fat and interferes with our hormone production as well as increases our risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancers. However, it is not all doom and gloom!
visceral fat (belly fat) responds very well to regular exercise, a diet high in whole grains and lean proteins. It also responds very well to undisturbed sleep.
For more information on how to lose belly fat follow this daily program as I will be sharing tips at the beginning of each video.

For BEST RESULTS pair this program with a healthy eating plan or use our Meal Plans and Lean Body – Home Edition Calendar available from our website:
If you want to do a separate warm up please use our warm up playlist:

For cool down stretches please use this playlist:

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NOTE: If you want more programs like this hit SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this workout program with someone!

MrandMrsMuscle strongly recommends that you consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
You should be in good physical and mental condition and be able to participate in the exercises.
You should be aware and understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge MrandMrsMuscle from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of MrandMrsMuscle’s negligence.

#loseweight #losebellyfat #weightloss
Video Rating: / 5