Archive for the tag: Based

How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science)

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How to lose belly fat? Belly fat is really easy to gain yet often the hardest area to lose. There are 2 types: the annoying belly fat we all know that covers your abs, and a more dangerous type of belly fat stored deep within your organs known as visceral fat. To find out how to get rid of both types of stubborn belly fat (most effectively), I reached out to 5 of the world’s most qualified fat loss scientists and came up with 5 easy steps anyone can easily start doing today to lose belly fat. Includes belly fat workout and nutrition tips.

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Layne Norton

Biolayne | Evidence-based research, fitness training, and coaching

Alan Aragon

Eric Trexler


Bill Campbell

Laurin Conlin

For the first and most important step, I spoke to Layne Norton. Scientific researcher, champion powerlifter, and honestly just a really smart dude who calls out BS when he sees it. Here’s what he said about belly fat. There is research showing that exercise can reduce visceral fat without actually causing weight loss. So it is a good idea to exercise in general, but specific exercises are not going to target preferentially belly fat. The real key to losing belly fat is just getting into a caloric deficit consistently and doing it for long enough.

How do you create a calorie deficit? Diet. And that’s where our next expert Alan Aragon comes in. Alan suggests to come up with a list of your 20 favorite foods by picking 3 across 6 food groups —high protein, fat, fibrous vegetables, starch, milk, and fruits — and making up the difference with 2 YOLO foods. Alan emphasized the importance of eating enough protein when dieting. Ending off, Alan shared an interesting finding: that when calories are matched, hypercaloric diets high in saturated fats may cause greater gains in visceral and ectopic fat than those high in polyunsaturated fats.

Now, let’s talk about the right type of “belly fat workout” to do to help you avoid regaining belly fat as soon as your diet is over. To explain this is Eric Trexler, pro natural bodybuilder and published scientist with a PhD in Human Movement Science. Eric maintains that there are some major benefits of resistance training (reduce muscle mass loss, which helps with better muscle definition and appetite regulation) if you’re trying to lose belly fat and really just trying to lose fat in general. Also, Eric reminds us that cardio can be a really helpful thing in keeping your expenditure higher when that non-exercise activity starts to go down over time. Everything that gets you moving — i.e., including NEAT — counts.

Even with nutrition and nailed down, there’s an overlooked variable when it comes to how to lose belly fat. What is it? Sleep, as explained by Exercise Science professor Bill Campbell. Bill shared about a recent study that suggests that there may be a link to sleep restriction leading to overeating, which causes a gain in body fat that is preferentially stored in the belly region. So I would suggest that you get about seven hours per night. Note that sleep matters regardless of whether you’re in a calorie deficit or not. More specifically, one study suggests that lack of sleep alone may in fact lead to more muscle loss and less fat loss during a diet.

So you now know how to get rid of your stubborn belly fat. But there’s one more thing you need. Laurin Conlin, a master coach, exercise scientist, and IFBB Bikini Pro will help explain what it is. First, it’s important to recognize that unless genetically you have little body fat on your abs and core area, you will probably need to get leaner than you’d think to lose belly fat. Second, take multiple measures of progress. You can use scale, weight, and measurements as quantitative feedback, but we also wanna look at qualitative feedback such as how your clothes are fitting, how you’re looking, and how much better you’re feeling. And lastly, be patient and recognize that you’re usually quitting right before it gets good. It doesn’t matter how perfect your program is, unless you remain consistent, you are short-changing yourself and your results.

Click below to subscribe for more videos:

0:00 – The 2 types of belly fat
0:32 – The key to losing belly fat (Layne Norton)
1:42 – Nutrition plan (Alan Aragon)
6:38 – Exercise plan (Eric Trexler)
9:40 – How sleep affects belly fat (Bill Campbell)
13:04 – Why most people fail (Laurin Conlin)

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Can I follow a plant based diet after Gastric Bypass?

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A viewer from home asks Dr. Weiner if it is safe to follow a plant-based diet one year after a gastric bypass. If you have a question that you’d like to ask Dr. Weiner, go to

Dr. Matthew Weiner is an author and bariatric surgeon who specializes in the treatment of obesity. His practice is located in Tucson Arizona, where he offers both surgical and non-surgical programs.

In his first book, A Pound of Cure, Dr. Weiner debunks the traditional understanding of calorie balance driving weight loss and offers a non-surgical solution to those suffering with obesity through nutritional stability.

His second book, How Weight Loss Surgery Really Works: And How to Make it Work for You, is now available on Amazon in paperback and kindle. In this book, Dr. Weiner describes how the hormonal changes that alter your brain, fat stores and hunger signals are the most important component of weight loss surgery, rather than the portion control effects that have been emphasized in the past.

On his website,, he offers more than 150 videos on a wide array of nutritional and bariatric topics. Lesson plans range from, “Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery” to “The Metabolic Reset Diet” including recipes and meal plans.

Dr. Weiner is licensed to practice in both Arizona and Michigan and even offers Skype appointments. For more information call his office at (520) 319-6000 or check out his many resources below. For more videos and Facebook Live events, subscribe to his YouTube channel.

Tucson Medical Center
4715 E Camp Lowell Dr
Tucson, Arizona 85712


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Video Rating: / 5

How a Plant-Based Diet Boosts Health in 28 Days | Dr. Alan Desmond

How much can your health improve in just four weeks? A ton! Dr. Alan Desmond joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll to discuss how eating a plant-based diet for just 28 days can lead to a happier gut and a healthier you! Dr. Desmond shares six studies showing the positive effects that occur from eliminating meat and dairy and introducing more beans, greens, grains, fruits and vegetables.

Plus, Dr. Desmond shares new book, The Plant-Based Diet Revolution, and answer your questions about gut health!

About Us:
The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

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Video Rating: / 5

باسم يوسف | Plant Based diet | بريد العيادة

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الحلقة دي هي رد على الأسئلة اللي اتكررت في التعليقات على حلقة باسم يوسف و البلانت بيزد دايت
لو ما شفتش الحلقة.. شوفها الأول من هنا عشان تعرف بنتكلم عن إيه:

إذا حضرتك مستعجل وعايز تسمع رد على سؤال محدد:
01:57 China Study الرد على
03:47 ليه مردتش على المواضيع اللي فتحها باسم يوسف بالتفصيل؟
باسم يوسف جايب أشهر دكاترة في العالم بيأكدو كلامه! 05:43
استشاري السموم في قناة”كذا” بيقول نفس كلام باسم يوسف 07:18
علاج التصلب اللويحي بالبلانت بيزد دايت 09:12
كلامكم متناقض يا دكاترة وتعبتوني! 12:08
14:37 الجينات ليس لها دور في الأمراض والوجبات بس هي السبب
16:03 مين أعمارهم أطول؟ اللي بياكلو اللحوم ولا النباتات؟

محمد منصور
طبيب الباطنة والكلى
بعدد من مستشفيات بريطانيا

اشترك في القناة.. واضغط على الجرس عشان يوصلك فيديو جديد.. كل يوم ثلاثاء.. ٦ م بتوقيت القاهرة.. ٥ م بتوقيت لندن

تابع صفحة “الدكتور” على فيس بوك عشان توصلك معلومات طبية صحيحة مهمة كل يوم بيعدها فريق من الأطباء والصيادلة..

وماتنساش.. شير الفيديو على قد ماتقدر.. وهات حبايبك يشتركو في القناة.. عشان اللي جاي هيعجبك ان شاء الله 🙂

Post production:
Blue Bird Studio

Loudness & Clarity by Joakim Karud
Music provided by Music for Creators

بعض المصادر:

The China Study Revisited: New Analysis of Raw Data Doesn’t Support Vegetarian Ideology

The China Study Revisited: New Analysis of Raw Data Doesn’t Support Vegetarian Ideology

The China Study: Fact or Fallacy?
The China study: fact or fallacy

The China Study

Sience based medicine: The China study
Rest in Peace, China Study

Dietary advice – National MS society:

Research Methodology and Principles: Assessing Causality:

Dr Josh Cullimore – The health benefits of a whole-food plant based diet

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GP Josh Cullimore – The health benefits of a whole-food plant based diet

Recorded at Brighton Vegfest on 23rd March 2019

Filmed by Fizzeek Media

The evidence based miracles of food | David Stenholtz | TEDxLundUniversity

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The evidence based miracles of food | David Stenholtz | TEDxLundUniversity

NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice or an alternative to treatment. We’ve flagged this talk for falling outside TEDx’s curatorial guidelines as it only represents the speaker’s personal experiences with the promise of a plant-based diet as a disease treatment. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:

This oncologist and chief physician will take us on a journey to explore why plant-based diet seems to cure several chronic diseases. In this talk, David will uncover the scientific evidence behind how to transform your health with easy choices. David has a recognized face from Swedish television. He’s an oncologist, chief physician and founder of the organization Läkare för Framtiden (Medical doctors for the Future) which educates the public about how what we eat affects our health and disease.
Why is it that plant-based diet seems to cure several chronic diseases? David will uncover the truth and the scientific evidence behind how to transform your health with easy choices. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Video Rating: / 5

The Plant Based Food Pyramid

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As Karen Reed learned, simply cutting meat out of your food equation doesn’t add up to truly healthy eating.

“We ate very little red meat. We did fresh vegetables. But we loved our cheese and we liked butter. It was a lot of fat and that’s really the culprit for a lot of problems,” says Karen Reed.

By age 60 she was packing on pounds and heart problems.

“I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol and very high lipids, triglycerides,” says Reed.

“Diet really has an impact on a number of the cardiac risk factors,” says Dr. Brian Taschner, who is a cardiologist with Lee Memorial Health System.

Cardiologist Brian Taschner is Karen’s specialist. He believes the typical American diet could use a healthy makeover.

“We eat very little fruits and vegetables. So on average about 10% or less of our, our calorie intake is from fruits and vegetables and when we look at the vegetables consumed, about half of those are potatoes. And most of those are fried,” says Dr. Taschner.

It reinforces the point that all fruits and vegetables aren’t created equal. Taking your diet green, means 50-60% of calories come from plant sources. The majority being leafy greens which top the plant-based food pyramid.

“So things spinach and kale, chard, romaine lettuce, those things and then really incorporating all other types of vegetables into your diet. So that really should be the base of the pyramid. And then other things: whole grain carbohydrates. Like the brown rice, the quinoa, faro. And then legumes, so different kinds of beans, should be the next level. Healthy fats, so things like avocados, nuts, olive oil, that should be the next level of the pyramid. And then realizing that most people are going to still consume some animal protein, that really should be the next level when you maybe limit that to about 10% of your diet,” says Dr. Taschner.

The switch took a big bite out of Karen’s health woes.

“It’s just completely changed our life over the last year. My blood pressure has been much better, I’m on less medication. I’ve lost twenty pounds,” says Reed.

A proper plant-based plan may be the beginning of a health transformation.

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Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

Video Rating: / 5