Zucchini & Sweet Potato Patties Recipe | Easy to make Light & Healthy Meal | Amrita's Kitchen

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Here is a quick and easy to make recipe for a light and healthy meal. Sweet potato and Zucchini as base ingredients mixed with lots of veggies go high on the nutrition index and yet there is no compromise with taste. Feel free to add green chilies to the mix if you would like your patties hot but trust me, this preparation although mild, tastes amazing.

#healthy #zucchini #quickrecipe
##tikki #patties #easyrecipe #healthybreakfast #lunchboxrecipe #quickrecipe #zucchine #zucchine #vegan #veganfood #sweetpotatoes #zucchinirecipes

1.Zucchini-3(grated and squeeze out excess moisture)
2.Sweet potatoes-2 medium size (boiled and mash them)
3.Onion chopped-1
4.Sweet corn -1 cup(boiled)
5.Spinach chopped-1 cup
6.Mixed Bell Pepper-1 cup(red,green &yellow)
7.Ginger grated-1tsp
8.Crushed black pepper-1/2tsp
9.Salt as per Taste
18.Olive oil-1 tbsp(for mixing)
19.Olive oil-4 tbsp (shallow fry)
20.Yellow Corn flour-(coating)

1.In a bowl add squeeze zucchini,mash sweet potato,chopped spinach, chopped onion,grated ginger,chopped mixed bell peppers,boiled sweet corn,crushed black pepper,salt as per taste.
2.Mix well .
3.Take some portion and roll into round shape coat with yellow corn flour.
4.In a pan on medium heat shallow fry patties from both sides until golden.
5.Serve with yoghurt and salad of your choice.

Thanks for watching please like share and subscribe to my channel for more recipes.
Share your feedback 😊

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gluten free recipes,zucchini &sweet potato recipe,How to make zucchini patties,Amrita’s Kitchen recipe,gluten free diet,healthy meal prep,healthy recipes,Low-carb recipe,Amritaskitchen,vegetable patties recipe,easy &quick healthy recipe
Video Rating: / 5

Heineken’s “Sometimes Lighter is Better” Backlash | The Daily Show

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Heineken faces accusations of racism after running an ad that features a beer bottle sliding past three black people before stopping in front of a light-skinned woman.

Watch full episodes of The Daily Show for free: http://www.cc.com/shows/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah/full-episodes

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah airs weeknights at 11/10c on Comedy Central.
Video Rating: / 5

One of the toxins within our home that we don’t always hear about is the toxic exposure that comes from our electricity.  Often times we don’t always understand electricity, and so it’s easier to ignore it’s potentially harmful effects on our bodies and home. Those potentially harmful components come from what’s called “dirty electricity”, which I’ll be going into depth more about.

This is also why it’s so important to make healthier choices where we can in order to avoid this phenomenon of dirty electricity.  Light bulbs are one of the simplest things we can change throughout our home. Not only are they available readily at most hardware stores, they are something most of us can swap out on our own without any trouble.

You know, I’m a huge proponent of changing whatever you can and simply not worrying about the rest.  There’s no use in worrying about dirty electricity that you can’t change, such as that from permanent sources outside your home.  Inside your home, however we can make some really simple changes that can prevent dirty electricity from affecting our bodies.

Links to light bulbs and studies can be found here: https://www.healthyhouseontheblock.com/dirty-electricity-healthy-light-bulbs.html
Video Rating: / 5

How To Reduce Lower Belly Fat | Learn From My Experience

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Hey familia!! If you’re reading this description for the program links, FEAR NOT, i am leaving them here at the top for you 🙂 For those who want to learn a little more about what this video is about, read on 😉

PELVIC FLOOR WORKBOOK – first thing that i did to prepare my core so that when i lost the fat, i wouldnt be left with a pooch: https://www.godaily.ca/restore-your-pelvic-floor-workbook

BIG BOOTY TIGHT TUMMY WORKOUT PROGRAM- the program that helped me drop 40+ lbs and ultimately helped me lose the extra fat in the pooch: https://www.godaily.ca/bbtt-go

When it comes to losing lower belly fat, it’s about more than just workouts and what you are eating. A big part of our weight loss ability comes from our hormone profile.

In this video I go through things that have helped me over the last 8 months drop lower belly fat because it put my hormones in the right position to put me in a fat-burning state.

Know that spot fat reduction is not proven to be possible! But there are efforts that you can make to lower your overall body fat, and have your hormones in a position where you won’t be carrying “stress fat” or extra fat around your waist.

Little disclaimer- this video is not meant to make anyone feel bad about having belly fat. I believe that all bodies are unique and beautiful! I always want my community to understand that health and fitness is more than just losing weight or gaining muscle, it really always ties back to our mindset and what we tell ourselves on a daily basis.

I want to encourage you today to evaluate what your internal dialogue sounds like. Are you talking yourself down, making yourself more stressed out and its just keeping you in the vicious cycle? Or are you thinking and speaking positively to yourself and just need a little extra help with other aspects of health and fitness?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and input in the comments below!


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9 Tips From Scientists to Lose Weight Without Strict Diets

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How to Lose Weight without Diets. Eat what you want and still don’t get fat –millions of people around the world dream about just that. Different research projects and studies continue to reveal simple rules that will help you achieve your dream body with almost no effort! And, yes, it is completely healthy! Follow some simple rules to get your perfect beach body fast and for good.

Add healthy fats to your diet. 0:51
Watch the number of lost calories during physical activity. 1:41
Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. 2:29
Breathe in the smell of olive oil. 3:19
Eat with pleasure. 4:02
Choose the right pasta. 4:48
Take calcium supplements if you can’t digest dairy products. 5:47
Eat solid food in the morning. 6:34
Eat dark chocolate. 7:20


-Healthy fats, such as as nuts, seeds, cheese, and butter, digest more slowly than proteins and carbs, which means that if you eat them, the feeling of hunger won’t bother you for a long time.
-Of course, you need to eat after your workout. Just don’t go beyond the limit of your daily calorie intake.
-If you don’t wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, the remaining pesticides can slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain.
-Adding olive oil to food can leave you feeling fuller much more quickly. As it turns out, the smell of olive oil has its own set of benefits too, extending the period when the sugar level is stable.
-If you truly enjoy your meal, you won’t feel hungry any time soon. However, if you hardly eat and feel pressured to eat less, you’ll find yourself standing in front of an open fridge much sooner.
-Foods with a low glycemic index are better for people trying to lose weight. The best option for anyone who wants to lose weight is spaghetti.
-Cheese, milk, cottage cheese, and many other dairy products contain a great amount of calcium, which speeds up the metabolism of fats.
-Protein efficiency increases when it’s eaten in solid form. This means only one thing: if you eat solid food instead of smoothies (and other stuff like that) in the morning, you’ll feel hungry much later.
-People on a low-carb diet who eat small amounts of dark chocolate don’t gain back the weight they lost.

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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC

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This is going to be your to go Recipe! Healthy and Light Cheese Puffs

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This is going to be your to go Recipe! Healthy and Light Cheese Puffs

#Healthy #CheesePuffs

Healthy and Light Cheese Puffs
In this recipe I made a turnover to the cheese Puffs recipe. I used olive oil instead of butter and whole wheat flour instead of all purpose flour. I added my touch as well by adding olives, dried mint and paprika to enrich the test of eggs and cheese and to make it a fully nutritious and light recipe.

1 cup of water
½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 ¼ cup cheese if your choice ( I used ½ cup parmesan and 3/4 cup pf mozzarella)
4 eggs
1 tsp dried mint or oregano
1 tsp paprika
¼ cup of olives
Make 34 pieces
ToGoRecipe #CheesePuffs
For more healthy, delicious and easy recipes, please watch and subscribe to my channel and share it with friends if you like the content.
My mission is to spread the healthy, easy and delicious food:


فطائر جبن صحية وخفيفة
في هذه الوصفة ، قمت بتحويل وصفة فطيرة الجبن. لقد استخدمت زيت الزيتون بدلاً من الزبدة ودقيق القمح الكامل بدلاً من الدقيق لجميع الأغراض. أضفت لمستي أيضًا بإضافة الزيتون والنعناع المجفف والفلفل الحلو لإثراء اختبار البيض والجبن وجعلها وصفة مغذية وخفيفة تمامًا.

1 كوب ماء
نصف كوب زيت زيتون بكر ممتاز
1 كوب دقيق قمح كامل
1 كوب جبن حسب اختيارك (استخدمت ربع كوب بارميزان و 3/4 كوب جبن موزاريلا)
4 بيضات
1 ملعقة صغيرة نعناع مجفف أو زعتر
1 ملعقة صغيرة بابريكا
نصف كوب زيتون
اصنع 34 قطعة

لمزيد من الوصفات الصحية واللذيذة والسهلة ، يرجى مشاهدة قناتي والاشتراك فيها ومشاركتها مع الأصدقاء إذا أعجبك المحتوى.
مهمتي هي نشر طعام صحي وسهل ولذيذ:
تابعونا على Follow us on:
فيس بوك / Facebook www.facebook.com/maqloubeh
انستغرام / Instagram www.instagram.com/roulaajibat_maqloubeh_kitchen
Twitter/ @MaqloubehK

Please watch: “This Recipe will Make you LOSE BELLY FATS Completely/Dandelion Salad ”


Unreal Challenge: Better Light Than Never Kickoff | Inside Unreal

We’re super excited to announce the kickoff of our Unreal Challenge: Better Light Than Never! Put your real-time lighting skills to the test, and even try to win some SWAG and cash prizes. You can learn more about the challenge at the link below. To give you a head start into your entry, we’re bringing on a couple of industry superstars who will be shining a light on some invaluable tips and tricks from their own process as well as a live demonstration of some best practices. As always we’ll include a live Q&A at the end where you can explore any lightbulb moments!



Video Rating: / 5

Bruno Mars Gets Therapized

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Bruno Mars Gets Therapized

Bruno Mars Gets Therapized //

Because you’re amazing and now we are going to dive into healthy relationships! What is a healthy relationship and unhealthy relationship? Watch this video to learn how to establish a long-term, healthy relationship.

Next, watch Friends Gets Therapized https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THvQod6NBgg

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute Discovery Call with one of our therapists!
Chase Brewer (Utah): https://go.oncehub.com/Chase
Jessica Moneo (Global): https://go.oncehub.com/Jessicam


Video Rating: / 5

WHEN LIGHTER WEIGHT Works Better for Bodybuilding

WHEN LIGHTER WEIGHT Works Better for Bodybuilding


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Lose Belly And Thigh Fat With Only 1 Tablespoon A Day

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If you, like millions of others, are looking for the most effective yet simple remedy to lose fat, this one is for you. Burning fat without working out or diet is possible. In this video, you’ll see how you can slim down in a healthy way without a whole lot of effort. The secret lies in a drink that not everybody knows about.

You’ll need: 1 teaspoon of cumin, the juice of half a lemon, half a teaspoon of grated ginger root, and one cup of water. Start by boiling the water and throwing in the ginger and cumin. Keep this mixture on low heat for 5 more minutes, then take it off the burner and let it cool. Finally, add the lemon juice. You should have one tablespoon of this concoction 20 minutes before every meal. And after just a month, this drink will help you to lose up to 10 pounds of excess weigh.
This cumin, lemon, and ginger cocktail isn’t just the perfect solution to accelerated weight loss, it also has some more amazing health benefits. Thanks to the cumin and ginger, this drink will improve your digestion. The vitamin C in the lemons and cumin boosts the immune system and protects your body from inflammation and stress. Cumin seeds are effective at driving mucus and inflammation out of the respiratory system. This spice is even used to treat asthma. This drink also does a lot for your brain and cognitive health! Those who regularly consume this concoction almost never suffer from insomnia.

Merengue de Limon – Quincas Moreira

Steps to take to achieve get the perfect body 0:48
The magical drink: the main ingredient 3:46
How to prepare the drink 4:41
How it works 5:14
The amazing health benefits of the drink 6:07

-Remove all the temptations surrounding you. Count your steps. Try to exercise 2 or 3 times a week. Be careful with your portions. Cut down on liquid calories. Always check the nutritional facts on food labels. Avoid processed foods. Choose your grain products wisely.
-The main ingredient of this drink is cumin, the amazing fat-burning spice.
-Start by boiling the water and throwing in the ginger and cumin. Keep this mixture on low heat for 5 more minutes, then take it off the burner and let it cool. Finally, add the lemon juice.
-Phytosterols in cumin don’t let bad cholesterol get absorbed into the digestive tract, thus, encouraging weight loss. Ginger has thermogenic properties, which means it heats up the body and boosts metabolism. Lemon, as we all know, contains tons of vitamin C, which, among other things, reduces your cortisol levels.
-The drink will improve your digestion, boost the immune system and protect your body from inflammation and stress. This drink also does a lot for your brain and cognitive health.

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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC

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Helping Women Get Lighter, Healthier and Happier

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The free presentation above reveals and explains the follow along from home Yoga Burn fitness challenge exclusively for Women. This totally unique routine is designed for Women that would like to experience the wonderful benefits of Yoga while being able to burn calories, manage their weight and get into great shape at the same time.


Five Fat Loss Supplements that ACTUALLY Work!

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Try SEED’s Daily Synbiotic (today’s sponsor) – Use Code ‘THOMAS20’ for 20% Off: http://seed.com/thomasYT

This video does contain a paid partnership with a brand that helps to support this channel. It is because of brands like this that we are able to provide the content that we do for free.

My new book, Intermittent Fasting Made Easy, releases March 22nd, 2022! Be the first to get it by preordering here: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0760373868/

Please check out the new workout channel, Garage Built Life, here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQPQImPsw74KhO0Zy2-leyA/videos

Please Subscribe to my Email Newsletter Here: https://www.thomasdelauer.com/life-optimization-tactics/

Follow More of My Daily Life on Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/ThomasDeLauer



Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro
0:40 – Carnitine
4:10 – Green Tea Extract
5:58 – Probiotics
8:16 – CLA
10:30 – Yohimbine
Video Rating: / 5

Face Massage For Skin Lightening | Get Glowing, Healthy and Youthful Skin Naturally!

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Try this 2 kinds of massage everyday before your skin care routine and after a week you should start observing some changes to the skin!! Stimulating your facial muscles can help tighten skin, relieve tight muscles, and boost circulation…
You can do this anytime in the morning and afternoon and apply oil or cream to prevent dry skin!

STEP1 : Stroking Massage – Very gentle massage technique
STEP2 : Pressing Massage – Stimulate your facial muscles and improve blood flow to the area.

★Please subscribe to my channel!


✴️Lift Smile Line Massage

✴️V shape Face Exercise!

✴️Nose Sharp Massage Part.1

✴️Spoon Massage No.1

✴️Self Face Massage for Glowing Skin

✴️Massage to make your eyes more symmetrical

★About me
Name: Masumi
Job: Face yoga & Hatha yoga teacher
Nationality: Japan
Language: Japanese Native Speaker. English is my second language!
Age: In this video I am 30.
Skin Type: A little bit dry skin
Favorite food: Vegetarian food
Any plastic surgery: Never done before
How many years I have done face yoga & massage: 3 years
My hobby: Meditation, cooking traveling abroad and making Youtube

☆Private online sessions are available!!
・If you want to know which pose is right for you,please DM me!!!
※English Available※



Video Rating: / 5